Wednesday 10 June 2009



It's quite surprising to see such a mature competitor among very young athletes, what do you think motivates you so much to keep training and competing at a very high level?
I just love climbing really, all aspects. It's wonderful to enjoy the exciting locations and the beautiful places but i also relish the move. Hence i love plastic too. I like to be challanged. At the moment my main challange is building a straight wall at my new home in Spain. I have moved to Oliva near gandia in the Costa Blanca. mainly for the lifestyle and the sun.

22 years of climbing on your shoulders, a few competitors weren't event born when you started! What do you think about the young generation? who do you think has the best chances to win this year's bouldering world cup?
Experience is a fantastic asset, and i have lots. Kilian is still the one to beat but every year it gets harder and harder. With the likes of Ondra around and some of the other great youngsters out there the depth of good climbers in a world cup is for ever expanding. My money is for Kilian and Anna retaining the titles, if you cut them in half they would say competitor through their middle.

We know that recently you've been on a long road trip with James Pearson and Keith Bradbury, sponsored by The North Face to climb 20 of the most important 8a routes in Europe. Do you think you could go on a similar road trip but for competing all over Europe? And if not why?
yeah, I would love to do that, next year maybe when I have settled with the house i will have time to refocus on competitions again and at 37 I don't think i am too old to do well.